dy heard it last week Driving me insane It's hitting real badly Tell 10 1.Take Yourself Home br>1.Take Yourself Ho me I'm tired of the city scream if you're with me If I'm gonna die let's die so mewhere pretty ah ah-ah Sad in the sum mer city needs a mother If I'm gonna waste my ti. ut kinda hard to think When I can't feel a thing Tell me to my face Already heard it last week Driving. tand I'm not ever like this I can hold my breath Say I'll be alright But kinda hard to think When I. at the party wow Didn't think you'd be here Who's that girl I see here You're so automat 9 1.Lie To Me ae-Lie To Me1.Lie To Me Lyricist Kenneth Kaminski Ignacio S cannone Composer Kenneth Kaminski Ignacio S cannone You don't understand I'm not ever like this I. ina Annika Wells Friday where you at Then I hit you back Hit you with that co me through Cause I know you want to Saturday I'm out at the party wow Didn't think. Stephanie Poetri Hailey Leane Collier Mark Williams Raul Cubina Annika Wells Friday where.

I'm not go 8 5.Selfish ley Leane Collier Mark Williams Raul Cubina Annika Wells Composer Stephanie Poetri Hailey Leane. d when I crashed down Carries me when I wanna break through We all die but right now I feel like livin' And we all cry but right now I'm not gonna give in When we. hat I'm makin' Ain't no way I can run without you Every ghost in my past life held my hand when I crashed down Carries.

CAN THEY HEAR US From'Gully' with original Daniel Heath Score Every breath that I'm takin' every step that I'm makin' Ain't no w. y need t 7 1.CAN THEY HEAR US Dua Lipa- CAN THEY HEAR US1. the wall the wall the wall I can see it clear as day You don't really need to pray Wanna see what. e to rub it in like lotion If you only pray on Sunday Could you co me my way on Monday'Cause I like to do things God does And improve of if she saw us She couldn't look away look away look away She'd. once it's been set in motion You know I love to rub it in like lotion If. life life extraordinaire Let me tell you about it letĦ 5.Oxytocin tocin Can't take it back once it's been set in motion. still awake Have I ever told you about my ti me machine Sit you down I'll tell you everywhere I've been I have lived a long life life extraordinaire Let. word by an impish whim Follow me now to a place we begin Wrought with no anger wrought with no fear Devilish children playing here Hidden in silence below barren. 確定 H Will you keep silence?你會保持沉默嗎? B I envy no more我再不會羡慕 5 6.The Time Machine r>6.The Ti me Machine Put to the sword by an impish whim Follow. 它養好 H Are you sure about this?你確定要這麼做嗎? B More tha. 泳池 H Have you nothing to do?你無事可做嗎? B I have to fe. 曲祁麟 H Are you bored?你厭倦了嗎? B Are you kidding me開什麼玩笑 H Are you bored?你厭倦了嗎? B Like a deserted swimm. wenty-four I was told about a me(! 4 9.Predator e-荒誕故事集(A Collection of Absurd Tales)9.Predato. 敢聽她的怨言 CLE MENTINE I can't deny that I was hooked on his physical attraction Enjoying this fabulously lavish love is a stroke of fortune克萊門汀我不能否認我對你的身體有所. 就是我的宿命 CLE MENTINE Spellbound in the dancing and fl.

surd Tales)8.Chris And Cle mentine Lyricist 祁麟 Composer 祁麟 CHRIS I invited her. ittle mouse here are shoes of your bride's she might be waiting for you on the bed小老鼠這不是你新娘的鞋子嗎她可能是在床上等你呢 Oh look that baby deer is so excited 3 8.Chris And Clementine e-荒誕故事集(A Collection of Absurd Tales)8.Chris And Cle. nival Lyricist 祁麟 Composer 祁麟 Pig groom co me to us table is ready don't go far豬新郎快來呀酒席已備好別跑太遠啦 Little mouse here are shoes of. 清楚我沒有證據 G You(! 2 6.The Beasts' Carnival e-荒誕故事集(A Collection of Absurd Tales)6.The Beasts' Carnival Lyricist 祁麟 Composer 祁麟 Pig groom co. ke there is a storm brewing i can't tell no evidence好像有場暴風雨要來了我也說不清楚我沒. 貴的東西都沉了 G Don't fuss they are melting anyway別大驚小怪反正都要融化的 A It feels like there is a storm brewing i. Album ( Page Link ) Song ( Page Link ) ( Partial Lyrics ) 1 2.Adolescent Angels e-荒誕故事集(A Collection of Absurd Tales)2.Adolescent Angels Lyricist 祁麟 Composer 祁麟序幕 Adolescent angels sing on the shithouse walls of the world青春期的天使在世界.